Last Update: September 2023

If you have a question, concern, need clarification, want to double-check, or wish to run a scenario by the Bluewater Occasional Teacher Local, please contact our local president.

ETFO has a dedicated page to Health and Safety for members:

Featured on the site are several guidance documents, practical safety steps for school boards, plus excellent online resources. 

Bluewater-Specific Guidance for ETFO OTs:

Please remember to sign in and out in the Visitors’ Log when reporting to, and finishing assignments. 

When you are in a school and have, or notice a health and safety concern, please report it to the Administrator. There is a Worker Concern Flow Chart (AP3804-D) that specifies the steps to follow. 

Always report Slips, Trips, and Falls

It may feel like nothing, but in a few days, it could become worse. This way it is documented.

Safe Schools/Workplace Violence Incident Reporting Tool

ETFO members are required to report a violent incident, whether the physical force is actual, attempted or threatened by a student, an employee or an outsider to the Board. In these situations, verbally report to your Administrator at the earliest and safest opportunity and then submit a report that can be accessed through the BWDSB Staff Portal. Once an employee submits a report, the Administrator will receive an email to complete their section of the report. Once the Administrator submits the report, the employee and the Local will receive an email notification that the form is complete.

If you become injured or ill due to workplace violence, complete and submit form AF 7850 Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) Injury/Disease & Investigation and don’t forget to get medical attention if it’s needed.

Notification of Potential Risk of Physical Injury

You should also be aware that you have a right to know about a person with a history of violence in your workplace that is if you can be expected to encounter that person in the course of your work, and the risk of violence from them is likely to cause you physical injury (School Board’s duty under s.32.0.5 (3) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act). Your school board and principal are required to provide you with as much information about this person as is reasonably necessary to protect you from injury.

OTs shall have the ability to Lock their Classroom Door for Every Assignment

The Ministry’s Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol requires that all staff, including occasional teachers, have the ability to lock their classroom doors during a lockdown or a lockdown drill (CA Letter of Agreement #5, page 22). While you may be asked to sign it out so the office can track who has keys in the event one accidentally goes home with someone, you are entitled to a key without giving up a piece of your property (e.g. car keys) in exchange for it. The school is legally required to provide you with a classroom key. An OT who has to insist that a classroom key be provided may face a stressful situation before the school day has even started. Please let the Local President know if you are not receiving a key for your OT assignment.


Health and Safety Related Collective Agreement Clauses


The Board and ETFO recognize the importance of promoting a safe and healthy environment for employees and of fulfilling their respective duties and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its accompanying Regulations.

The Central Health and Safety Steering Committee membership shall include representation from the Local.

If a pregnant Member, during her regular duties, is exposed to diseases or physical dangers which may cause harm to the unborn child, or, if a Member who has returned to work after a pregnancy leave, is exposed to diseases or physical dangers which may cause harm for the child whom she is breastfeeding, a solution to this situation will be realized by:
a) consideration of altering the commencement date of the pregnancy leave if the dangerous condition relates to the Member’s physical abilities;
b) temporary assignment to another location or duties;
c) use of sick leave credits.


The board will endeavour to ensure the automated callout will include:
a) the names of the teacher(s) being replaced,
b) the grade(s) to be taught,
c) the assigned start and end time including scheduled supervision,
d) other information that may be pertinent to the assignment
e) and communicable diseases as per Article 20.03